Complimentary Oral Cancer Screening

The VELscope fluorescing light is leading edge technology that reveals abnormalities in the oral mucosa.
Dr. Cook and his team believe that early detection of oral cancer is paramount as it leads to more treatment options and better patient outcomes. Almost 42,000 Americans will be diagnosed with oral and throat cancers this year. The 5-year survival rate of those diagnosed is only slightly more than 64 percent.
At every dental cleaning we perform an oral cancer screening which is a visual inspection of the oral cavity (mucosa (cheeks), inner/outer lips, gum tissue, tongue, palate, floor of mouth, and oropharynx (throat) area) and palpation of the jaw and neck. As an adjunct to this screening we can also perform a VELscope® exam. The VELscope uses natural tissue fluorescence visualization to help discover oral mucosal abnormalities that may not be visible to the naked eye. It is a painless, quick (less than 1 minute) exam that is of no cost to our patients. Regular visits to the dentist will help with early detection and treatment which help reduce treatment related health problems.